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Fasting and Ayurveda

Fasting and Ayurveda

Niyati Thole492 21-Jul-2022

Fasting as a practice is an integral part of many traditions, cultures, and even religions. Fasting is believed to have several benefits for the mind and body. However, it is important to know the correct way to fast. Lack of knowledge or a misunderstanding of fasting practice can upset the balance of the mind-body complex. To experience the benefits of fasting, we need to understand our Prakriti. Each individual possesses unique qualities known as Prakriti or nature based on the predominance of Vata, pitta, and Kapha in the body. Fasting according to one's own Prakriti has shown benefits.

What is fasting?

Fasting does not necessarily mean complete abstinence from food. It is a method of purifying the system with full awareness of food, breath, thoughts, and all sensory experiences. Here, when it comes to food awareness, it means avoiding foods that are harmful to the system and wisely choosing a diet based on one's Prakriti. After a proper fast it will regulate Agni (digestive fire responsible for proper digestion of food), remove ama (toxins or impurities accumulated in the body due to improper diet and regimen), and ojas (vital energy). the system, maintaining homeostasis.

According to Ayurveda, fasting is also part of the seasonal routine, including purification procedures (Panchakarma) with certain guidelines. Each season is also marked by cycles of Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Fasting based on these guidelines during specific seasons will help maintain health and vitality.

Why is fasting necessary?

By observing the digestion process, the food that is ingested, with an adequate jatharagni, breaks down into 'Saara' (formed as nourishment for the body) and 'mala' (the waste product to be expelled). ). The formed Saara will undergo a series of transformations to form 'Ojas', the life energy in the system. Ojas give strength and brightness to the body. All mental and physical functions, including maintaining a good immune system, depend on ojas. Good and well-groomed Ojas is a sign of health.

Improper food and diet hinder the Jatharagni, which leads to the formation of Ama. Ama is nothing but the toxins that have accumulated in the body due to impaired metabolism, which results in the decrease of Ojas and the blockage of channels in the body, resulting in the manifestation of many diseases.

When Ama builds up in the system, it shows signs like weakness, indigestion, bloating, malabsorption, body aches, headache, fever, rash, dryness, anxiety, etc.

Ayurveda recommends fasting as a method to eliminate this ama. The benefits of fasting:

  • Better digestion and a clean digestive system.
  • Rejuvenation of the body and mind.
  • The unbalanced dosha is pacified.
  • Improved mental functions.
  • Improvement of skin brightness and hair structure. Improved immune system.
  • Helps restore homeostasis.


If your Vata dosha is predominant in the body or has a Vata imbalance, complete fasting is not for you. Zero fasting, water fasting, and prolonged fasting are not recommended for you. Because fasting will increase dryness and lightness in the body, which worsens data in the system. Following a khichdi diet with Vata pacifying herbs and clarified butter for 3-5 days is a good option to detoxify the system for Vata people. And this can be repeated once a month. Seasonal panchakarma treatment such as (controlled) Basti can also be performed to maintain the balance of the doshas.


Pitta Prakriti, have a strong digestive fire, so zero fasting, water fasting, and prolonged fasting do not apply to pitta prakrti and are in an elevated pitta state.

Sweet, bitter, and astringent tasting fruit juices, vegetable juices, soups, and a khichdi diet with calming pitta herbs are good choices. Depending on the imbalance, you can choose either one day per week or 3 days per month continuously.

Virechana under the guidance of a Panchakarma expert is also recommended as a seasonal routine cleanse.


If you are healthy with a dominant Kapha Prakriti, regular fasting is good for you. Following intermittent fasting is very beneficial for you. You can do a complete fast or a water fast once a week. As a seasonal cleansing, Vamana and virechana can be performed according to the doctor's opinion.


Fasting is not recommended for pregnant women, children, the elderly, during breastfeeding, or menstruation.

Also, consult your doctor for proper guidelines if you have a disease or are taking a particular medication.


  • Eat only when you are hungry.
  • Lemon, ginger, fennel seeds, cardamom, mint, cumin, coriander seeds, etc. are good for removing toxins from the body. Make sure you drink warm water to stay hydrated and clean.
  • Haritaki, Triphala, or castor oil can help cleanse by balancing the dosha. Your doctor can help you choose the combination based on your Prakriti.
  • It is normal to experience weakness and fatigue on the day of the fast. But you will feel more energetic and active from the next day. This is a sign of good cleaning.
  • It is always best to take it easy and observe your mind and body while fasting to achieve the desired result. Quickly finish with light foods or fruit juices, depending on the type of fast you have been on. Pay proper attention to the digestive system and slowly return to the normal diet.

An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driven by the motive to make a difference in the sphere of mental health - and normalize seeking help through a sensitive and empathetic approach

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